
Hello, my name is Sonja Gartner. I was born in Germany into a family that recognized and supported the belief that I was destined to be an artist. I was blessed with a fertile mind and a keen eye for color. As a teenager I grew up in Mexico, and the sights, sounds and colors of that fairy tale youth are etched upon my creative spirit to this day - my artwork reflects this inspiration.

Throughout my life I've tried most every craft there is out there, I even spent a number of years creating/selling one-of-a-kind ceramics.

In 2007 I discovered the depth and versatility of oil painting and have been captivated ever since. I love life and I cherish each new dawn for the reward with which I am blessed: another day I can paint!

The way I perceive the world is best explained in Nikola Tesla’s words: “If you want to understand the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” My art reflects that point of view.